Somewhere, some1 dreams of ur smile & finds urpresence in life so worthwhile. So when ur lonely,remember its true that some1, somewhere, is thinkingof u.
God in heaven... god above, plz protect the 1 i luvsent with a smile and sealed with a kiss... i luv the1 who's readin this...
When love is deep in the heart, there are no regrets.When it is time for us to part, there will be tears toshed, and memories to share.
A sMiLe tO pUt You On HiGh... A KisS To Set YoUr SouLALriGhT... WouLd iT bE aLriGhT iF I spEnT ToNiTe BeiNgLovED bY YoU???
Kiss's R blown & kiss's R wasted but kiss's R notkiss's unless they R tasted but kiss's spread germs &germs R hated so kiss me babe im VACCINATED!!
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and Itogether.
Do you believe in LOVE at first sight or do I have towalk by again? ? ? ?
I asked God 4 a Flower he gave me a garden, I asked 4a tree he gave a forest, I asked 4 a river he gave mean Ocean, I asked 4 an ANGEL he gave me YOU
It is better to lose my pride to the one I love thanto lose the one I love because of pride.
if i walk inFront of u,i'm pRotecting u. If i walkBside u, i'm tHERe fOr u. If i walk bEHind u, i'mWatching over u. If i walk alone, i'm THINKING oFYou...
A heart truly in love never loses hope but alwaysbelieve in the promises of love, No matter how longthe time and how far the distance.
A special smile, a special face, a special sum1 ican't replace, i luv u i always will, u ve filled aspace no one can fill!
I miss u wen u r far away, I think about u every nite& day, Even if we cant b 2gether, I will miss u now &forever!
True luv is hard 2 find, Special 1, 1 of a kind, Butthe luv inside of me is true, It appeared the day imet you!
If dreams werent dreams & dreams came true, i wudnt bhere id b wiv u, Distance is 1 thing dat keeps usapart, But u will always remain in my heart!
If i were a tear in ur eye, i wud roll down onto urlips, But if u were a tear in my eye, i wud never cryas i wud be afraid 2 lose u!
It takes 2 to tango, 2 to kiss, 2 to talk & remenisce,so many good things cum in 2, & one of those things isme & u!
A genie granted me 3 wishes. i said i won't b havin 3wishes not even 2. i told him i wud only wish 4 1thing.. baby! i wished 4u!
when 2 hearts r meant for each other, no distance isso far, no time is so long and no other love can breakthem apart...
You might not need me now, not tomorrow, maybe notever. But even for just an instance you feel alone,remember that during that moment, I am just here.
Fate brought the both of us together. So naturallywhen you look at us, you will think we match eachother. Coz we are make to be for each other.
U must b tired cOz u have been runninG thru my mind,u gotta be a thief coz u have stolen my heart n i musthave been a bad shooter Coz i keep missing u...
So many questions, but the answers are so few, all ireally know, is, I MISS YOU
Hearts could only love for a while, feets could onlywalk for some miles, clothes won't 4ever be in style,but having U as my 'lover' is 4ever worthwhile....
U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. Umay be out of my reach, but not out of my mind. I maymean nothing to u, but u'll always be special to me.
True luv is eternal... Cherish da luv when U've gotthe chance, for once it leaves U, it would b difficult2 get it back.. Don't let luv be only a memory in U..
When a door of happiness closes. Another opens. Butso often at times we look so long at da closed door..that we do not see the 1 which has been opening at us
They say I need treasure maps to find treasure, but Iproved them wrong coz even without a map I found U!And U'll always be treasued in my heart!
da leaves may 4get da tree, da waves may 4get dasea, da flowers may 4get da bee, or even U may 4getme, BUT I will NEVER EVER 4get U coz U R very special2 me!
The Past May Hav Been A Disaster, The Present SeemsBlur & The Future May Be Unclear. But No matter Wat MyDear, I'll B There 4U. Something That Is Always Clear
Never take 4 granted every person close 2 ur heart,coz U might wake up one day and realize that U've losta Diamond coz U were too busy in colecting stones.
tERe arE 12 monThs iN a yEaR... 4 weEks In aMontH... 7 daYs In a wEeK... 24 hRs In a dAy... buTtErE's onLy OnE YOU iN a lifeTiMe...
Love is to think about someone else more times in aday than you think about yourself.
plz remind me 2 remind u abt reminding me 2 send uthis reminder tht reminds me of reminding u tht I MTHERE 4 U.DON'T FORGET.I hope u like them ... and will you somewhere for someone...